Thursday, November 16, 2017

Home Sweet Home

Over the summer, I could sense that our family was stuck inside the cage of a hot air balloon. The fire was blowing and blowing and the balloon was filling and filling, yet we could not take off, no matter how much we wanted to, no matter how much effort was expended. The balloon wasn't ready- we weren't ready. And then, just when I thought the balloon might burst... up it went. So it goes.

Jack got a job with an airplane manufacturing plant, we moved to a new city, found ourselves an apartment with a lease we could break for the cost of about a week's stay in a hotel, and we were connected with a realtor that was so amazing she is now watching Mark with her grandson while I write this blog entry. 

We bought a house! We moved in last week! My family came to help us move from the apartment to the house, which would have been impossible without them. We had flooring replaced, the main level is currently being painted, and all of our belongings are in transit to arrive next week! We haven't seen these things in over a year and a half, before our camper adventure. I am both excited and nervous about what condition all of our possessions will be in, though I am trying to remember that all it is is stuff. 

One of the major blessings we have experienced since moving here is a profoundly Catholic town. We prayed God would send us to a place that would be good for our family, and after experiencing several promising job opportunities that didn't work out, I can most definitely say we ended up here for a reason. We are close to home, I have made mom friends with children Mark's age AND with newborns, found a Bible study, and we even went to a hockey game one night with Jack's coworker and his family! For the past couple years, I've lived in cities where I haven't had a single person outside of Jack who really knew me, and I can tell that here things will be different here, for me, and for our family. Finally. Up in the hot air balloon, it feels like the air is finally clear.

So many blessings, though not without cost. Jack's hours are difficult. He works second shift, and often he is gone from 1:00pm -2am, even later, and he has only had off two Sundays since he started several months ago. He also has the additional burden of reserves training once a month. At his new job, he is a first level manager, which according to someone I met who had worked there for forty years before he retired, is pretty much the most difficult job there. The man I was speaking to said he only lasted in Jack's management position for four months. Needless to say, we would appreciate prayers as Jack adjusts to his new job, as we all adjust to the crazy hours (that are far too reminiscent of his former job in the army), and as we integrate into the civilian world in general. I feel extremely blessed to have a husband who works so hard to provide for us, and I pray that our family can experience peace even in the midst of these difficulties. Even with so much going right, it can be hard to see past the troubles before us!

So there we go, just a little update in our life situation. I am eager to have the work at our house finished, since our kitchen is currently a construction zone and we are eating out quite a bit. I am so excited to have a couch after over two months of an air mattress, as well as the conveniences of a mailbox (packages delivered right to our door!), a garage, a backyard, a big kitchen table, all my pots and pans, a nice, big refrigerator, multiple toilets in the house, a dishwasher, a bath tub. There are so many luxuries I never knew I had before our transitory life, and I promised myself that I will never again take for granted how fortunate we are for these many things. 

But most of all, I am so happy to have a home for our family. Even today, Jack, Mark, and I were outside in our large, fenced in yard, throwing tennis balls to the dogs, and I was filled with so much joy because it really hit that this house is the place where we will gather with our children for thousands of meals, for all our birthdays and celebrations, where we will oversee our kids play together and fight too, where hours of homework will be completed at the kitchen table, where countless baths will be taken, where books will be read over and over again, and it strikes me because all the monotonous routines of life carried out over and over again, will someday be nothing more but a feeling our children have when they think of this house, a feeling that they were cared for, that they were treasured, and that they were loved beyond measure.

That's all I can hope for.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Anyone who knows what's been going on with our family knows that we are in a place of transition.

Jack has officially left active duty and is now serving in the reserves. We sold our camper and are currently staying with my mom while Jack searches for a civilian job. We are prepared to go anywhere at this point which is both exciting and a little bit scary, but we are pretty much used to that by now. It has been so incredibly nice to be back with family and friends after four years of separation, and we are certainly making up for lost time!

That said, being in this place is not exactly easy. The last few months have been full of ups and downs, from miscarriage to job rejection to what has sometimes felt like one disappointment after another. We have certainly been told "no" a lot recently.

However, in the midst of all the uncertainty, we stay strong in our faith, trusting that God will provide as He promises and understanding that His timing is much better than our own.

And among all the "no's" it's easy to forget how many times we have been told "yes." We have so much to be thankful for- notably our friends and family, good health, a roof over our heads in the interim, a beautiful two year old boy... and:

Another little boy on the way!

We cannot wait to welcome our little Joseph Emmanuel into our arms this January.

He is named after my maternal grandfather, among some of our other favorite Josephs: St. Joseph the worker, the father of Jesus, St. Josemaria Escriva, author of The Way, and Servant of God Joseph Emil Kapaun, a chaplain born in Kansas who served and died during the Korean War. Emmanuel is a reminder that God is always with us.

So, yes, things have been uncertain, but we are full of hope for our future, for our little family, and for the new life that I am carrying. Please pray for us during this time of transition!

Our last year has been pretty crazy! Camper living was definitely a learning experience, and we are thankful for the opportunity we had to do it but thankful to be done! Jack was working so much last year that I really don't have many pictures to choose from. So that makes it fairly easy to do our last year in review:

Mark's first birthday! This is the campground we lived at. It was absolutely beautiful!

Suzy and John came to visit for his birthday, and we had a little party with some church friends. We were fairly new in town so we were so appreciative of the people who came to celebrate!

Jack's parents babysat Mark when they came to visit so Jack and I got to go on a nice date. This is the only picture Jack took!

My mom and brothers came to visit that fall but we don't have any pictures. This is when I came home for a wedding and my mom and I took Mark to the petting zoo.

Mark was a cowboy for Halloween.

Thanksgiving! Mark was wearing an adorable romper made by Suzy.

Family picture taken last fall at the church we were married in when we were home for a wedding.

A picture from last Christmastime.

Jack's good friend Ben was a few hours away from us for some training, so we drove up to see him for a night.

Grammy and Pops came to visit this spring. We had a great time going to the zoo and just hanging out!

We took Mark to an airshow one Sunday. He loved seeing all the planes!

Jack's Change of Command Ceremony at the beginning of summer. He was highly esteemed by his brigade commander and I couldn't be more proud of him and all the hard work and extra hours he put in the past year. He is truly a dedicated leader...and a humble man, as he'd never tell you all his accomplishments!

Our final military ball. Kind of crazy!

We drove down to the beach for a day trip. Mark had a blast and was fearless in the water!

Mark's second birthday party!

Mark's parents, grandparents, two sets of great grandparents, and great great aunt were all able to make it to his second birthday party!

Mark loves his aunt Lala.

Baseball game with Uncle Matt (aka Goon Squad- don't ask)

Driving the boat with Nana! As you can see, we have LOVED being able to spend so much time with those we love.

Mark loves going to Grammy's (or "Mimi's" as he says)!

Mark and I visited two of our best friends in Wyoming: Ariel AND...

Rosser! Boy, was it sweet to see them together. 

Just beautiful!

Mark's big day.... 2 years old! Jessie and I took him to the farmstead and then to our favorite restaurant... Chickfila!

We made him a little brownie cake that night. It's hard to resist spoiling him with all this love since we have been so far away and isolate for the past couple years. :)

I hope you enjoyed this little update. Here's to not waiting over a year for the next one...